Chairperson D190/14195/2017
Nancy Nyambura Ndung'u
Robenyo Peter Ekai A third-year in the School of Nursing taking BSc. in Community Health and Development. I am the former Secretary-General, Turkana County Student Association and the Vice-Chairperson in the Turkana youth forum for Innovation and Technology. I am currently a class representative in the Department of Nursing. I am a trained First Aider with St. Johns Ambulance. |
Emilio Mburu Wanjiku A third-year student in the School of Business and Economics taking Bachelor of Commerce. I am a Youth leader in Full Gospel Churches of Kenya Willa LCA. A member of the Red Cross Club – University of Embu and UoEm Business Student Association. |
Judy Chebet Elizabeth A third-year student in the School of Business and Economics taking Bachelor of Commerce. I am the Vice-Chairperson of Tinwek Youth Forum. A member of UoEm Business Student Association. |
Wilfred Ndeleva Kamene A third-year student on the School of Pure and Applied Science taking a course in BSc (General Science). I am the Sunday School Ministry Chairperson of the University of Embu Christian Union and also Mission and Evangelism Treasurer. A member of the University of Embu Peer Counselors. |
Douglas Mochama Omweri A second year in the School of Pure and Applied Science taking a BSc. (Computer Science). I am a School Superintendent in University of Embu Seventh Day Adventist Church. |